Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Final Journey

Tomorrow's Tangi

TVNZ and Maori television will present a live simulcast of the Maori Queen, Te Arikunui Te Atairangikaahu's tangi. The timing may depend on the progress of the delibarations by tribal elders gathered to choose a successor.The TV coverage is expected to start at 8am on Monday 21st, with the crowning of the new Maori monarch and will follow the final stages of the tangi and Dame Te Ata' s last journey up the Waikato river by waka.

State Highway 1 will be closed - from Huntly from 10am to 4pm with detours in place, as thousands are expected to line the State Highway (green) from Ngaruawahia (to Taupiri Mountain, 10 minutes north of Ngaruawahia to pay their respects to Dame Te Ata as the waka makes its way up the Waikato River (blue) to her final resting place, on the eastern side of Taupiri Mountain.

Ngaruawahia (bottom left corner of the photo - the township is on the left over the bridge / the marae is just on the left hand side before the bridge)